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Waiting for Santa Claus


Sheep and goats waiting for Santa

Santa Claus? Hello Santa Claus? Are you coming still? We are outside waiting for you.

Look, it’s me Dolly and my sister Shannon, our husband Dwayne (that’s a long story so don’t ask) and our children William and Willow. And also the nicest goats on the farm Gilbert and Tony.  We’ve got the lights on, cookies all ready for you, and the naughty goats are put away so they don’t head butt your reindeer.

Dearest Santa, many of us have asked you for presents this year and guess what? They have been arriving, day by day. It’s so exciting to open the packages! The goats have been eating the boxes.

Some of our presents haven’t been promised yet and we will wait for those – maybe you can put in a few extra items for us in your overflowing sleigh? https://santa.stargazingfarm.org/wishlist/

And some of us still haven’t been sponsored! That is the best Christmas treat of all because love is the most important thing in the world.  https://shop.stargazingfarm.org/sponsor-an-animal/

Santa, I hope that you will visit other animals. Please help them to keep warm, to find enough food, and to get out of situations that are not good for them. Just look at us. If we can do it, then anything is possible.

Santa, if you come at midnight, you know that we will be speaking!


and Shannon, William, Willow, Dwayne, Gilbert and Tony
and all the rest of the gang

