Well top o’ the mornin’ to ya, Mr. Claus. It’s your old friend Gilbert – but I’m a changed man, I am. Last year I wrote to you asking for bandages and medicines and all manner of tiresome things, didn’t I? Well I did, indeed, but I don’t need ’em anymore, I don’t. It took a long time and cost a pretty penny, but I’m as hale and hearty as you’d want any goat to be. That is to say, if you’d want a goat around which of course not everyone does.
Well now I hope you can appreciate the belly I’ve acquired! Did ya know that I doubled my weight? Why the hospital nurses (and beautiful ladies they were, at that) couldn’t believe it at my checkup. I believe they said I might be just a tad fat, but I think it shows how happy and healthy I’ve become – you as a man with a lovely big belly know better than anyone!
Santa, I will start my letter with how my friends and companions usually conclude their letters: I’m askin’ for sponsorships. Yes indeed, first: for me (I’m an incredibly friendly fella and love the visits) and second: for my farm (because their hospital bills for me were frightening, indeed – the least I can do is try to repay them in any small measure that I am able in my goatly fashion).
Now, sir, this is a bit of a delicate matter, but I trust you will understand. You live in a cold place and so I suppose your skin gets dry – the same thing happens to my feet, it does. I need some moisturizer for my hooves and this is just the stuff:
Now, since I spent such a great deal of time at the hospital, I busied myself by asking lots of questions and learning all about medicine. It’s a fascinatin’ subject in case you didn’t know. I’d love to read up more and so I’d like this book – I’m thinking I can help out by doing research whenever anyone here gets sick.
Now Santa, just between you and me, we’re not really supposed to eat that many cookies, are we now? But can we make a pact? If you send me these ginger snaps, I’ll save some just for you and we can have a little party when you come. Do you take milk or lemon with your tea?
Oh dear Santa, what a pleasure it’s been to converse with you today, and as we say in the old country, “may good luck be your friend in whatever you do, and may trouble be always a stranger to you.”
Your pal, Gilbert